John Williams, Dory & André Previn – “Valley of the Dolls: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK VALLEY OF THE DOLLS is more than a motion picture. This is the saga of success as dreamed and dreaded by every woman who lived to be beautiful, by every man who has lived for a beautiful woman.
 It is the story of four such women, told in Jacqueline Susann’s novel and received by an avid audience around the world. Long into its second year on the New York Times best seller list, the book was filmed by director Mark Robson – who made the screen version of “Peyton Place” more popular than the novel.
 VALLEY OF THE DOLLS is a disturbing look at people with appetites for life greater than their capacity for living. Ann, over-powered by her love for a man, is played by Barbara Parkins. Jennifer, beaten by her great beauty, is played by Sharon Tate. And Neely, driven by talent and an unquenchable need to be loved, is played by Patty Duke. Susan Hayward, one of Hollywood’s greatest stars, portrays Helen Lawson, a great star of Broadway who missed being a great lady.
 VALLEY OF THE DOLLS was made where it all happened, in New England, New York and Hollywood.

Personal Review:
So, I just want to start by saying I have never seen the movie, but have seen the sequel – I’d rather watch this one though, simply because of Sharon Tate.

The album opens with the song “Theme from ‘Valley of the Dolls’” – which is sung by Dory Previn, but also has a nice little narrative segment at the beginning done by Barbara Parkins. The song is pretty good, it makes me wish I’d actually have seen the movie, but I have not, so it’s relatively disappointing knowing I have not seen it. Next up comes Gaille Heidemann singing “It’s Impossible” – which kind of comes off as a show tune, but it’s surprisingly good! After that comes the instrumental “Ann at Lawrenceville” – and instrumentals aren’t really my thing, but John Williams has a way with how he conducts his music, and then the song writing by Dory and André Previn makes for an all out awesome song. That is then followed by “Chance Meeting” – which is just amazing. No other way of describing it beyond that. The music is superb, it kind of makes me think of like scenic route driving. After that comes “Neely’s Career Montage” – and everybody needs montage music! It too, is a pretty good track, no real complaints here! The A-Side closes with Tony Scotti singing “Come Live with Me” – which is basically classic 60’s swing pop, and it’s pretty amazing. I actually quite like this album!

The B-Side opens with “I’ll Plant My Own Tree” sung by Eileen Wilson – it’s an okay track, not overly special, and not a great way to open the B-Side. But hey, the vocals on their own are pretty good, just not a fan of the song itself. After that comes another instrumental titled “The Gillian Girl Commercial” – it’s a slow song, it’s alright though. Then after that comes “Jennifer’s French Movie” – which is a good, slow track – it’s one of those chill, relaxing songs. Definitely a boating song. Then comes Gaille Heidemann singing “Give A Little More” – which is an amazing song again, the vocals are absolutely amazing. Gaille is definitely a good singer. After that comes “Jennifer’s Recollection” – which is a slower song, but it’s pretty good – it does feature excerpts from the Tony Scotti song – then the album ends with Dory Previn singing “The Theme from ‘Valley of the Dolls’ Reprise” – which just like the original A1 song, it’s good and makes for a great ending track.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Dory Previn – Theme from “Valley of the Dolls”
A2 – Gaille Heidemann – It’s Impossible
A3 – Ann at Lawrenceville
A4 – Chance Meeting
A5 – Neely’s Career Montage
A6 – Tony Scotti – Come Live with Me

B1 – Eileen Wilson – I’ll Plant My Own Tree
B2 – The Gillian Girl Commercial
B3 – Jennifer’s French Movie
B4 – Gaille Heidemann – Give A Little More
B5 – Jennifer’s Recollection
B6 – Dory Previn – Theme from “Valley of the Dolls” Reprise

20th Century Fox Records

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
All Music Published by Leo Feist, Inc. – ASCAP
Tony Scotti appears through the courtesy of Liberty Records, Inc.

Other Albums I Own by John Williams:

Other Albums I Own by Dory Previn:

Other Albums I Own by André Previn:


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