Paris Hilton – “Nothing In This World”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
Let me start by saying I am not going to listen to NINE different remixes of Paris Hilton’s “Nothing in This World” – especially NINE dance remixes. Not my thing. I will however, give you an overall review of the song. I’m gonna go with the “Nothing in This World (Jason Nevins Extended Remix)” version of the song, which seems to screw around with my speakers. Anyways, the song is a good song, if you don’t believe me, go on youtube and search it. (Ignore the creepy ass music video.) I love this song, it’s my cellphone ringtone. The fact it sounds like the type of music (this specific album, all the dance remixes, not the song itself.) sounds like the type of music you’d hear in a sleazy bar or strip-joint isn’t something I look forward too.

Let me give you a rundown of my rating system.
1 point for being Paris Hilton.
1 point for the song being good (when not a dance remix.)
1 point for the cover.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Nothing in This World (Jason Nevins Extended Remix)
A2 – Nothing in This World (Kaskade Remix)

B – Nothing in This World (Dave Aude Vocal)

C1 – Nothing in This World (Dave Aude Dub)
C2 – Nothing in This World (Dave Aude Mixshow)

D1 – Nothing in This World (Kaskade Dub)
D2 – Nothing in This World (Exacta Remix)

Warner Bros.

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Produced by Dr. Luke for Kasz Money Productions
Programming, Remix and Additional Production by Jason Nevins for Nevco Productions, Inc.
Additional Production by Mark Scetta
Additional Remix and Production by Dave Aude for Republik Management
Additional Production by Chris Lee
Mixdown on HD Accel by Dave and Christian Dwiggins at Audacious in Studio City, CA
Remixed by Kaskade for Quiet City Productions
Remixed Produced by Exacta
Engineered by Mark Alston
Mixed by Exacta at Boondog Studios, NYC
Remix A&R: Orlando Puerta
A&R: Jeff Aldrich
Executive Producers: Paris Hilton, Scott Storch and Tom Whalley
Management: Paris Hilton Entertainment – Jason Moore and Front Line Management
Photography: Anthony Mandler
Art Direction & Design by Matt Taylor  –

Other Albums I Own by Paris Hilton:


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