The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“MOMENTS TO REMEMBER… a musical memorial to our daughter, Vickie, who at the age of 20 was killed instantly in a car-truck accident on Friday, August 25, 1972. Music has always been a most effective way of expressing deep feelings, thoughts, and messages, many times so deep… they cannot be conveyed by normal conversation. Music was an integral part of Vickie’s life! At an early age she showed her deep love and appreciation for music; and since we were a family of gospel music, we soon realized the effectiveness of HER singing. The selections on this memorial album are a few of the songs with special meaning to Vickie.
As we look back to the last six months of her life, our attention is drawn to the fact that virtually everything that happened played a part in culminating her complete dedication to the Lord and His will for her life. Many great personalities contributed to shaping the course of Vickie’s life; and four months prior to her death we met Pat Boone, whose ministry was a tremendous inspiration to Vickie. The last solo she prepared was the song he introduced to us, The Moment Of Truth. It is fitting to use this beautiful song to begin this album. Her mother, Dolores, sings it for you with deep feeling and understanding. The Family Of God, Sweet Sweet Spirit and (In the Valley) He Restoreth My Soul are songs we enjoyed singing as a family trio. Vickie’s part in the trio selections is beautifully sung by Dolores’ sister, Mary Ann, who is an original member of The Crusaders – Ray, Dolores and Mary Ann.
On a Revival Fires TV Spectacular, Miss Vonda Van Dyke inspired us with a beautiful song, Say I Do. Vickie was teaching this song to her sister, Tammy, and now Tammy sings it as her contribution to Vickie’s Memorial. We were asked to sing for a special service honoring Rev. and Mrs. CE Cox of St. Louis, Missouri, on August 6, 1972. We were to choose one song from a list of several written by them. Vickie chose and arranged for our trio one entitled, I Will Fear Not. Since this was only three weeks prior to her death and our last song arranged together, it hardly seems coincidential that the song contains such words as… Yea though I walk through the shadow of death… I WILL FEAR NOT… for THOU ART WITH ME.
The old cliché… “A shoe cobbler’s children go barefoot,” came to us with heart-rending reality when we realized at Vickie’s death that although we can own and operate a recording studio, we had no recent recordings of her. Vickie had an album of gospel songs and one of wedding songs planned, but not recorded. However, a few days after her death while going through tape storage, I came across a box marked “Vickie’s Songs.” These were three songs I had taped just to keep and not planned or perfected for record release, but we have included them on this album. Again we do not see mere coincidence in these songs or their sequence, for when I played them, the first words I heard Vickie say were.. “I’m Sittin’ Around The Table Of The Lord, feasting on the good things He provides!” Following that is her challenge to the living… Don’t You Want To See Daybreak, when His coming streaks the Eastern sky? Then last on the tape was a song she sang at a high school gathering. Although it is not a gospel song, we felt we should include it for its great lyrics… “tho summer turns to winter and the present disappears, the laughter we were glad to share will echo through the years, YES… we have these Moments To Remember!”
Because of Vickie’s deep Christian dedication and faith, we did not view her death as defeat for her or us, although there was a deep sense of personal loss. The funeral service was planned in this vein of VICTORY. We did not choose traditional funeral songs but rather vital songs that Vickie loved. Along with The Moment Of Truth and I Will Fear Not, we chose Romans 8:28 and Prophecy. These two songs were written by Steve Powell (Rainbow Promise of Dallas Texas). Prophecy was taken directly from a tape made at the funeral and we conclude the album with it, for its message is what we believe… JESUS IS COMING SOON… BE READY!
Ray Harris”
Personal Review:
Crusade has always been my favorite record label since I started collecting records, and why? Because their albums always come straight from the heart, quite like this one.
“The Moment of Truth” opens this one, and it sung by my good friend Dolores Harris, here we go! Dolores has a tremendous voice, and she’s absolutely stunning as a solo artist. She shines bright with the Crusaders, and stands out when she does solo work. It’s amazing to know that she is my friend. Then all of the Crusaders come in to sing the song “Family of God” and it’s no wonder Crusade Enterprises put out so many amazing albums, The Crusaders are some of the most talented Gospel singers I’ve ever heard. After that comes the song “Sweet Sweet Spirit” and once more, the Crusaders hit every note they have to perfectly. “(In the Valley) He Restoreth My Soul” comes next, and the high notes hit by Dolores are superb, and Ray’s spoken word part is just great. Then comes “Say I Do” sung by a very young Tammy Renee’ Harris, who is another perfect example of someone extremely talented. Even at 7 years old, you can tell she was going to grow into a very talented woman. The A-Side closes with the song “I Will Fear Not” and it’s a terrific way to end the A-Side, to go onto a wonderful B-Side. I absolutely love the Crusaders of Illinois and the Crusade label!
So, the B-Side opens with Vickie Harris singing “Sittin’ Around the Table of the Lord” – and Vickie, much like her mother, father and sister, was a natural singer. The song is pretty amazing, Vickie is extremely talented, and this song was recorded when she was only 17! Then comes the song “Don’t You Want to See Daybreak” sung by Vickie, which was recorded again at 17. Vickie has a very jazzy tone to her voice, she’s quite wonderful to listen to. It’s then followed by Vickie, at age 16 singing the song “Moments to Remember” – it’s slower, still has that jazzy feel to it, and it’s performed so beautifully by Vickie. It’s then followed by the Crusaders singing “Romans 8:28” – and it’s pretty great, the Crusaders are an amazing vocal trio – and were just as good on previous albums! The album closes with the song “Prophecy” sung by Steve Powell & Richard Slaton – and it has a folk sound to it, and it’s pretty great! It makes for an amazing way to close the album.
Interesting Facts:
“God Bless, Dolores”
“Love Tammy Renee’ Harris”
Track Listing:
A1 – Dolores Harris – The Moment of Truth
A2 – The Crusaders – The Family of God
A3 – The Crusaders – Sweet Sweet Spirit
A4 – The Crusaders – (In The Valley) He Restoreth My Soul
A5 – Tammy Harris – Say I Do
A6 – The Crusaders – I Will Fear Not
B1 – Vickie Harris – Sittin’ Around the Table of the Lord
B2 – Vickie Harris – Don’t You Want to See Daybreak
B3 – Vickie Harris – Moments to Remember
B4 – The Crusaders – Romans 8:28
B5 – Steve Powell – Prophecy
Crusade Enterprises
Catalog Number:
LP 4006
Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Recording Engineer – Ray Harris
Assistants – Delbert Harris & W.D. Zehr
Assisting Crusade Musicians – Mary Ann Harris, Berdella McGrew, Dan Greenwood & Bill Casolari
Flute – Harry Penry
Other Albums I Own by Ray Harris & The Crusaders of Illinois:
Lowell Mason & The Crusaders of Illinois – “Sing for God and Country”
Ray Harris & the Crusaders of Illinois – “Cool Water”
Ray Harris & the Crusaders of Illinois – “In Century 21 Style”
The Ray Harris Trio – “The Ray Harris Trio”
Other Albums I Own by Tammy Renee’ Harris:
“Because I Love Him…”
“One Voice for Jesus”
“Tammy in Taiwan”
“When You’re Loved”
Other Albums I Own that Vickie Harris Appears On:
Floyd C. Smith & the Kids from Flora – “Floyd C. & the Kids from Flora”
Other Albums I Own by Steve Powell:
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