Donnie Saxe – “Something Worth Living For”

The Sleeve:

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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
God, who works in many ways His miracles to perform, has brought to us te life, withness and testimony of Donnie Saxe. The privilege has been afforded to me and the honor appreciated as God’s preacher to write a few words about my Spiritiual Song in the Gospel, this man of God.
This is not hearsay, I was there the night his Sunday School teacher wheeled Donnie to the altar upon his request to be saved. It all happened at West Methodist Church in March 1973. Rev. John Beck, a Holiness pastor, had laid ground work well for this meeting. The Dillman Singers were singing under the anointing as the invitation was given and God was bringing His plan into focus as Donnie’s faithful Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Eva Smith, prayed. There was no doubt about Donnie’s plans that night. I knelt beside him and we prayed together and God came and blessed the world with a new life in Christ.
This new life in Donnie has been manifested time and time again as he answered the call to give his personal testimony wherever invited. This has not been under easy circumstances as he has had to exercise strict discipline in maintaining his physical body (the temple of the Holy Ghost). His love for and devotion to God has shown evidence as many fill altars seeking the Lord, unable to resist the Spirit as his words go forth. The honor given by God to say these words about a faithful son in the Gospel is more of a reward than I could have imagined in my entire ministry. As you listen to this thrilling testimony on this record album, let God have His way in your life and give Him the praise and glory for His great mercy and grace.
Robert E. Fortner, Evangelist

I was born December 15, 1948, and was born again March 13, 1973. I became paralyzed from the neck down with polio in December 1956; therefore, I must sleep in an iron lung each night. I was able to graduate in the class of 1967. I remember my teacher saying to me that night, “Donnie, you’ve been honored tonight by being 9th in the top ten of the graduating class. Don’t let this be the end, for there is something you can do.” But I wasted six more years, then I found the Lord. And it was in HIS plan for my life that I found SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR.
I attended the Christian Church until I was four years old then the Assebly of God until I reached sixteen, since then attending the Free Methodist Church. I never really knew the Lord personally until at the age of twenty-four when I went to a Methodist revival in which a General Baptist song leader and Nazarene evangelist were all working together for the Lord, that’s when it happened. I do not believe that anyone one denomination has main street bought in heaven. I have spoken in many denominations and am a firm believer in the unity of the family of God.
It is my prayer that souls will be saved as a result of this testimony and songs; and Christians will develop a greater concern for the souls of their fellow-man, and then put that concern into action. The Bible says, if my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14) As a child of God I call upon my brothers and sisters in Christ to put down their doctrinal differences and show their love for the lost as Christ showed us by His example.

My Eternal thanks go to those people who attended the revival service July 23, 1975, at Liberty Missionary Baptist Church at Burnt Prairie, Illinois. It is through their generous giving that this recording was made possible. Also, my thanks go to the Dillman Singers from Carmi, Illinois, for their assistance in furnishing songs for this album. The Dillman Singers are: Bill and Barbara Dillman, Freida and Linda Rocket; musicians/ Jim Rocket, bass guitar, Bob Frankland, lead guitar, Tony Bingman, drums, Barbara Dillman, piano.

Route 1
Ellery, Illinois 62833
Ph. (618) 445-3095

Personal Review:
Firstly, how do I start this one? According to Rick Auxier’s Introduction on this LP, this entire recording was paid for by people at a revival as the Church wanted Donnie’s testimony to go all over.
Donnie’s testimony is one of the few that has actually moved me to the point where I’ve sat, thought and almost cried. It has to be one of the most sincere and non-fake testimonies I’ve heard.
Donnie knows what he is talking about, I’m really not sure how to describe it. I’ll probably do a rip of the testimony so everyone can understand what I am talking about.
Followed by Donnie’s testimony is a song titled “Little Eyes of Faith” – which is a song written by Donnie and Kim Hooper Musgrave about Donnie’s niece, Lisa Lofton. It’s sung by Kim, and it’s a really nice song.

So, the B-Side is songs by the Dillman Singers and a story by Donnie Saxe. The song’s are rather enjoyable – I’m quite fond of the song “Something Worth Living For“.
Donnie’s version of “The Apple Tree Story” is good, (though I prefer Jerry D. Brown’s version.)

Anyways, so as the internet tells me, Donnie passed away Februrary 16th, 1988.

Interesting Facts:
My copy comes from the Saxe family.

Track Listing:
A1 – Introduction (by Rick Auxier)
A2 – Testimony
A3 – Little Eyes of Faith (by Kim Hooper Musgrave)

B1 – Something Worth Living For (by the Dillman Singers)
B2 – When I Prayed Through (by the Dillman Singers
B3 – The Apple Tree Story
B4 – Lord, I’m Coming Home (by the Dillman Singers)

Crusade Enterprises

Catalog Number:
LP S 747

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Engineer – Ray Harris
Bass Guitar – Jim Rocket
Lead Guitar – Bob Frankland
Drums – Tony Bingman
Piano – Barbara Dillman

Other Albums I Own by Donnie Saxe:
None, however, I do own two copies of this one.


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