Neil Madsen – “Trombone”

The Sleeve:

NeilMadsenTromboneFront NeilMadsenTrombone

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“‘We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God’s Hands’ Proverbs 16:1 (Living Bible)
This album was born in my Father’s mind during August of 1980. Since then my parents and many other people have worked with me to produce a recording designed to honor God and enrich the spiritual walk of the listener. Yet we realize that without Christ our mere human efforts would be in vain.
I have enjoyed the rich blessing of music after many hours of study under the direction of Gerald Risden, and Karen Hedden to whom I am so deeply indebted for their consistent faith and encouragement. I pray that the music found herein wll richyky bkess your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Neil Madsen is a student at Matawan Regional High School in New Jersey. Besides playing with various school and local groups, Neil has performed with the New Jersey High School All State Orchestra. His solo church performances often include magic as well as music, during which Neil presents wonderful truths from God’s Word in a meaningful and memorable way.”

Personal Review:
So, Neil kind of fits in the “High School Musician Category” much like Nathan Woodruff, or possibly even Jerry D. Brown. Anyways, I’m a gospel lover – for sure, but this… This is boring. I’m sorry, I know I usually don’t critique others music, since you know… my music efforts suck. It is good music, don’t get me wrong (Neil’s, not mine.) but I feel it’s just too la-la-la-y and most of the songs sound the same. Also, what is with the dove?

Interesting Facts:
It’s iin reaaaaally tight shrink wrap as you can see by the photos.

Track Listing:
A1 All My Life
A2 I Wanna Be Ready
A3 Sweet, Sweet Spirit
A4 My Tribute
A5 Reach Out to Jesus

B1 Bring Back the Springtime
B2 Shepherd of Love
B3 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
B4 Neil’s Song
B5 America the Beautiful

Mustard Seed

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Arranged and Conducted by Larry Mayfield
Orchestra Recorded by Bob Whyley
Solos and Vocal Backgrounds, and remixed by Toby Foster
Cover Photos by Bob McConnell

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