Y Kant Tori Read – “Y Kant Tori Read”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
 So, long before Tori Amos became famous in the 1990’s, she had released this album with her band “Y Kant Tori Read” – and honestly, who cares if Tori can’t read, she’s a hottie. Just look at that cover.

 The album opens with “The Big Picture” and we’re back with that traditional 80’s pop sound, but you know that cheesy 80’s sound seems to work for Tori, and this isn’t a bad song at all, I’m quite enjoying it. I really wish Tori did more with this stuff. This is definitely dance-able music. I could totally dance to this. Tori Amos kind of really rocks. After that comes the track “Cool On Your Island” and Tori just continues to just give one hit after another, this song in particular has to be my favorite song on the whole album, she’s just stunning. I love this. The musicianship just rocks. Then we go into quite literal 80’s synth pop, with the song “Fayth” and you know, this album was going so good, until Tori decides to pull a Blondie move and try to rap. Why do things like this happen? After all that rap garbage goes away, the song does pick up some, and we’re released back to Tori and her great vocals. This is what it is all about, Tori’s amazing vocals, and those back-up singers. We seem to go on a more emotional track with the song “Fire on the Side” and hey, Tori seems to still be able to get emotional on a pop album! It’s fantastic, I seriously think everyone needs to hear this album, like go get yourself a copy, right now. “Baby it burns to be your fire on the side” – sweet line, but what the hell does that mean? The A-Side closes with the song “Pirates” and besides the lame ‘hello? hello?‘ intro, the song kicks into some synth pop sounds, and Tori just begins to belt out yet another great track! I’m quite liking this album so far.

 B-SIDE! “Floating City” opens this side, and well, it has sort of weird industrial-like sounds before we go back to that synth pop sound that this album is littered with, and soon as the song really kicks off, it gets good, much like all the other songs on this album so far. So, that was a good song to start with. Next up comes the song “Heart Attack at 23” and well, isn’t that kind of a depressing song, I know I wouldn’t want a heart attack at 23 (I’m currently 22) – anyways, piano playing, Tori talking some, she sounds drunk. GUITARS AND DRUMS! Tori really kicks it off with this track, she like really, really gets into it, and it’s not a bad track at all. I actually quite like it. The musicianship on this album is quite great too. “On the Boundary” comes next, and once more, Tori seems to get emotional with this great track, and you know when I first heard this album, I didn’t think more than a 4 star rating on it, that has changed for sure, just by two tracks. Honestly, if the album ended here, I’d be more than satisfied – but it doesn’t! We go on with the track “You Go to My Head” and whataya know, we’re back at that cheesy 80’s sound, but Tori’s vocals save it, and she’s just so wonderful, how can anyone not like Tori Amos? She’s absolutely fantastic. The album ends with the “Etienne Trilogy” and right off, “The Highlands” part features great musicianship, and it’s absolutely fantastic, like that piano playing by Tori is just beautiful, and her vocals – fantastic. “Etienne” is good too, but being a French Canadian, I can’t help but question how she pronounces Etienne. This song is absolutely beautiful, the ‘trilogy’ ends with “The Skyeboat Song” and it’s bagpipes, and bagpipes are definitely in my top five favourite instruments, so this has been a rather great album. Thank you Tori Amos. Thank you.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – The Big Picture
A2 – Cool On Your Island
A3 – Fayth
A4 – Fire on the Side
A5 – Pirates

B1 – Floating City
B2 – Heart Attack at 23
B3 – On the Boundary
B4 – You Go to My Head
B5 – Etienne Trilogy
 i – The Highlands
 ii – Etienne
 iii – Skyeboat Song

Atlantic Records

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:

Other Albums I Own by Y Kant Tori Read:


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