Eagles – “Hotel California / Pretty Maids All in a Row”

The Sleeve:
105_5156 105_5157

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
The Eagles with one of their best known songs – also, dig the writing on the sleeve.

So, the A-Side opens with what I can only imagine is one of their most well known songs, “Hotel California” – which is just an overall amazing track on it’s own. There were some rumors about the song being about Satan – I’m just not feeling that. I really enjoy the guitar playing – oh, and the chorus is stunning. So, the A-Side is good.

The B-Side is “Pretty Maids All in a Row” – which is an Eagles song I’ve never actually heard, it starts off with some pretty nice piano playing, followed by some amazing vocals. Yup, this is going to be a very likable song. Absolutely zero complaints here about this single.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A – Hotel California

B – Pretty Maids All in a Row

Asylum Records

Catalog Number:
E 45386

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
“Hotel California” written by Don Felder, Don Henley & Glenn Frey
“Pretty Maids All in a Row” written by Joe Walsh & Joe Vitale
Produced by Bill Szymczyk

Other Albums I Own by The Eagles:
Eagles Live
The Long Run
Their Greatest Hits 1971 – 1975


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