Kate Bush – “Babooshka / Ran Tan Waltz”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
 Kate Bush’s “Babooshka” is one of the few Kate Bush songs I like. I love it for how artistic it is. Also got to give credit to Kate Bush for being so creative.

 Anyways, so the A-Side is “Babooshka” – it opens with a few simple music notes and then some vocals, and Kate begins to sing. The song is about a woman who wants to test her husbands loyalty by sending him letters under the pseudonym ‘Babooshka’. Anyways, lyrically and musically, this song is absolutely amazing. The music video is pretty intense.

 The B-Side is “Ran Tan Waltz” and it opens with some pretty good music, and then Kate Bush begins to sing, and she has a very different voice than you’d expect, it’s kind of like Toyah Wilcox or Kristy MacColl, the song over all is pretty different. I can’t say this is my type of music.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A – Babooshka

B – Ran Tan Waltz

EMI Records

Catalog Number:
EMI 5085

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Production – Kate Bush & Jon Kelly
Photography – J. Carder Bush

Other Albums I Own by Kate Bush:


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