Manic Street Preachers – “Generation Terrorists”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
This album has to be, in my honest opinion one of the greatest rock albums of all time, or atleast the 90’s to the present day. The entire album was written by Richey Edwards and Nicky Wire (Lyric wise) and the music is James Dean Bradfield and Sean Moore, how can you go wrong? The original album cover choice, was this.
Anyways, so the album opens with “Slash N’ Burn” – and well, between Richey and Nicky’s guitar playing, and James’ vocals, the album opens to a great start, the album continues on with the track “Nat West – Barclays – Midlands – Lloyds” which just seems like a god awful long name for a song, but the song turns out to be a rather amazing track! The actually say the entire song title in the chorus, which sounds pretty amazing in the end. Then comes “Born to End” – which once more, and I will probably have to say this throughout this review, it is truly another amazing song. So, it is then followed by one of the most powerful songs I have ever heard, “Motorcycle Emptiness” – the Manics seem to have this way to capture human emotion with their songs, in anyway possible. The emotion of this song, loneliness. They portray it very well. Well, here is the song. It’ll justify itself. Next up, and closing the A-Side is “You Love Us“, and although the song is good, like really good. I just feel it’s not a A-Side closing song material, but hey, it works and the A-Side closes on a good note. That end guitar solo though.

The B-Side opens with “Love’s Sweet Exile” – which starts with some spoken word and an acoustic guitar solo thing, then drums, the the band singing “LOOOOOOVESSSS SWEEEEEET EXXXXXIIILE!” – and well, from there the B-Side is off to an amazing start, because the Manics are completely amazing, and I love them. Next up, has to be one of the greatest songs of all time, “Little Baby Nothing“, featuring actress Traci Lords on backing vocals. (To say the least, her work on this album is better than all of her work on her own solo albums. Those are not that good.) The song is amazing though, even with Traci. The song is about how it’s bad to mistreat women. Yea, the Manics are hardcore like that. Next up is “Repeat (Stars and Stripes)” – which is kind of like a cool jam session, just mainly drums and bass with some hardcore mixing. The B-Side closes with the track “Tennessee” – and hey, it’s not bad at all!

Another Invented Disease” opens up record two, side C. The chorus is what wins me for this song, just because I love James’ voice and how he sings. The Manics are my all time favorite band too. Incase you did not know. Next up is the first Manic Street Preachers song I ever heard, “Stay Beautiful” – with the most amazing chorus ever… “Don’t Wanna See Your Face, Don’t Wanna Hear Your Voice… Why Don’t You Just…” *amazing guitaring that makes it sound like ‘fuck off’* aaand that was the song that made me love the Manics, and Richey’s good looks too. “So Dead” comes next. And once more, another amazing song, on a super amazing album. Then comes “Repeat (UK)” – which starts with an air raid siren, and well, reading the lyrics sheet… the f-bomb appears quite a few times in the song, and this is less of a jam session as the first, but I do enjoy it! Anyways, so the C-Side closes with “Spectators of Suicide” – which is a slow song, but deep and emotional, with once more, amazing musicianship. The Manic Street Preachers truly prove they are amazing with this album.

The D-Side opens with the track “Damn Dog” – and honestly, the lyrics alone are the greatest. They’re from the point of view of a dog, and well… it’s quite an interesting listen. Then comes “Crucifix Kiss” – once more a great track with deep lyrics, not sure if it’s about war or religion… maybe both. The Manics are cool like that. Then comes the song “Methadone Pretty” – which is another personal favorite of mine. It’s a pretty good song. Anyways the album closes with “Condemned to Rock ‘N’ Roll” – which makes for a good ending track on this album. Anyways, great album. Great band.

Interesting Facts:
I Believe it’s the Italian Pressing.

Track Listing:
A1 – Slash N’ Burn
A2 – Nat West – Barclays – Midlands – Lloyds
A3 – Born to End
A4 – Motorcycle Emptiness
A5 – You Love Us

B1 – Love’s Sweet Exile
B2 – Little Baby Nothing
B3 – Repeat (Stars and Stripes)
B4 – Tennessee

C1 – Another Invented Disease
C2 – Stay Beautiful
C3 – So Dead
C4 – Repeat (UK)
C5 – Spectators of Suicide

D1 – Damn Dog
D2 – Crucifix Kiss
D3 – Methadone Pretty
D4 – Condemned to Rock ‘N’ Roll


Catalog Number:
471060 1

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Richey James – Rhythm Guitar
Nicky Wire – Bass
James Dean Bradfield – Lead Vocals, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar & Acoustic Guitar
Sean Moore – Drums, Percussion & Backing Vocals
All tracks produced by Steve Brown for Sarm Productions
Recorded by Steve Brown & Matt Ollivier at Black Barn Studios, England, (Aug – Dec ’91)
Mixed by Steve Brown, Owen Davies and Marc Williams at the Hit Factory, London
‘Repeat (Stars and Stripes)’ originally produced by Steve Brown
Remix produced by Nicholas Sansano with Frank Rivaleau & Dan Wood at Greene St. Recording, N.Y.C. Dec ’91

May McKenna, Jackie Challenor & Lorenza Johnson – Backing Vocals on “Another Invented Disease”
Dave Eringa – Piano and Hammond on “Crucifix Kiss”, “Nat West – Barclays – Midlands – Lloyds”, “Spectators of Suicide” & “You Love Us”
Traci Lords – Extra Vocals on “Little Baby Nothing”
Spike Edney – Keyboards on “Little Baby Nothing”
Richard Cotte – Keyboards on “Motorcycle Emptiness”

Management – Phillip and Martin Hall
‘Crucifix’ and ‘Collapsed European Stars’ (detail) by Manic Street Preachers.
Photographed by Tom Sheehan.
Group Photographs by Valerie Phillips, Paul Slattery, Steve Guillick, Ed Sirrs and Paul Cox.

Other Albums I Own by the Manic Street Preachers:
Forever Delayed: The Manic Street Preachers Greatest Hits
Journal for Plague Lovers


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