The Sinceros ‎– “The Sound Of Sunbathing”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
 The cover on this one caught my eye, and the back cover just seemed to be begging to be purchased… So here we are.

 The album opens with “Take Me to Your Leader” which apparently was this bands biggest hit. The opening guitar riff and drum playing is pretty sweet, and the keyboards are awesome. The vocals come in and they’re also pretty good too, it’s not a bad track at all. The chorus comes around and it’s a good chorus, well performed too. I’m particularly fond of the musicianship, as it’s rather good. “Worlds Apart” comes next, and it’s a good upbeat, pop track. The keyboards and synthesizer playing are pretty good, and the fact the band seems to be fond of this futuristic vibe they got going is cool too. We go onto the track “Little White Lie” and it’s pretty upbeat, and bassy, but decent, it’s not an overly interesting track, but it’s alright. “So They Know” comes next, and it’s alright, as this album goes on it becomes more and more pop sounding, and less new wave sounding, which is half disappointing I guess, but hey, it’s good music. “Hanging Too Long” comes next, and it starts off pretty well, I do like the vocalists voice as it’s rather nice, this song is actually pretty good, I’m enjoying it and it makes an excellent way to close the A-Side.

 The B-Side opens with the song “I Still Miss You” and once more it’s a really pop sounding track, not a bad track but different for sure, the musicianship is pretty good, the guitar and bass playing on this track are quite good as well. The next track is “Quick, Quick Slow” and it’s a bit too repetitive for my liking, the musicianship is decent, but the overall lyrics and vocalization in this song aren’t really my thing. After that we go onto the song “My Little Letter” and every band in the late 70’s and 80’s who were pop musicians had a song like this on their album, not really like the others, directed at love and with more of a soft pop sound to it. It’s alright. The vocals are decent and the musicianship is good. “Break Her Heart” comes next, and whataya know, this album has two of those songs that I just mentioned, this one seems to be better than the previous though. A bit repetitive though. The album closes with the track “Good Luck (To You)” and we’re back at that power pop sound, and it’s alright, not really the best album of the early 80’s, but at least the musicianship was pretty good.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Take Me to Your Leader
A2 – Worlds Apart
A3 – Little White Lie
A4 – So They Know
A5 – Hanging Too Long

B1 – I Still Miss You
B2 – Quick, Quick Slow
B3 – My Little Letter
B4 – Break Her Heart
B5 – Good Luck (To You)

Standout Track:
Take Me to Your Leader”

Columbia Records

Catalog Number:
JC 36134

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Producer – Joe Wissert
Engineer – Bill Price
Recorded at Wessex Studios, London
Mastered at The Mastering Lab, Los Angeles
Mastering Engineer – Mike Reese
Cover Concept & Design – Andrea Klein
Front Cover Photo – Benno Friedman
Guitar & Vocals – Mark Kjeldsen
Bass & Vocals – Ron Francois
Keyboards & Vocals – Don Snow
Drums – Bobbi Irwin

Other Albums I Own by The Sinceros:


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