Tag: Rap Rave

Die Antwoord – “Ten$ion”

Die Antwoord – “Ten$ion”The Sleeve: The Liner/Sleeve Notes: None. Personal Review:  Once more, we’re back with Die Antwoord – and this is their second album following “$O$” and a limited edition version on vinyl, so what the hey, I like Die Antwoord and I like vinyl.  So, the album opens with the song “Never Le Nkemise Pt. 1”... Read More »

Die Antwoord – “$O$”

Die Antwoord – “$O$”The Sleeve: The Liner/Sleeve Notes: None. Personal Review:  So, I first got introduced to the music of Die Antwoord through their appearance in the movie “Chappie” (which is a really good movie by the way.) and after seeing the movie, I started checking out their songs, and one thing lead to another, here I am,... Read More »

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