Dr. Jackson White, MD – “Deep Relaxation, The Meditative Control of Overeating and Smoking. Self-Control Awareness, the Non-Drug Therapy Prescribed by Jackson White, MD”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
As a practicing general physician, I saw that most of my patients’ problems were directly or indirectly related to stress, anxiety and tension. Ulcers, hypertension and headache, for example are clearly relateable to the stress associated with social and economic pressures of contemporary society. Recently, several San Francisco doctors have published a book which asserts that coronary heart disease is associated with the tense compulsive personality. Other problems such as adult diabetes and bronchitis are aggravated by tension habits, specifically overeating and smoking, that are themselves responses to the daily stresses that exist in all of our lives. Often I would find myself telling my patients to relax in order to reduce their tension and anxiety levels. It was these tensions and frustrations that almost invariably prevented my patients from successfully following our health program. Sometimes a prescription drug was necessary but these drugs often carry unwanted side-effects such as drowsiness, reduced effectiveness and drug dependence. Unfortunately I could only advise relaxation ass there was no specific technique that I could recommend or prescribe.
 For these reasons I decided to take a leave from my growing medical practice to investigate different methods of relaxation. I began by studying the oriental techniques of meditation and yoga. These studies convinced me that the health benefits derived from these practices were to to the relaxation and SELF CONTROL AWARENESS induced by practicing meditation and yoga. I also examined self-hypnosis and the modern western techniques of alpha brain wave feedback, skin sensitivity feedback, and electromyographic feedback that are being used by doctors to treat various health problems.
 This recording is an extension of these studies. The long-playing stereo recording was chosen as the most effective way to reach the large number of people who could derive from the benefit from DEEP RELAXATION whether or not they are being specifically treated by their physician for a health imbalance. The recording is a method of progressive relaxation involving all parts of the body and resulting for most people in a level of DEEP RELAXATION. One side contains suggestions for controlling overeating and  the other side contains suggestions for curtailing the smoking habit. Since is these two habits which are so prevalent and so damaging to health I thought it necessary to suggest special awareness of them.

 To use this recording to your greatest advantage, play the appropriate side daily taking the tie each day (approximately 20 minutes) to lie down and allow my instructions and the music to lead you into a state of DEEP RELAXATION. Greatest benefit will be realized by those of you who can arrange your relaxation time daily early i the day and on a regular daily basis. It is necessary that you listen to the recording regularly for several weeks to gain the benefits of SELF CONTROL AWARENESS. I want to emphasize that the experience of DEEP RELAXATION and the resulting SELF CONTROL AWARENESS will complement the specific instructions and advice of you personal physician. I believe this recording will fill the need when part of the prescription is learning to relax.
 Jackson White, MD.

Personal Review:

This is one of those awkward records, where it is a guy talking while there is really bad guitar droning, he tells you to find a really comfortable place, “A bed, a couch, the floor…” and to “remove your shoes and loosen your belt.” it’s really just droning on and on, about how to relax. This has nothing to do with not smoking at all. Just relaxation. Um yea. He doesn’t have a calming voice, and making me relax one leg at a time is killing. Apparently I have a warm relaxing feeling in my pelvic region. Dr. Jackson is definitely a southerner. Yea, I have no idea what is going on here. I’m gonna flip to the B-Side…

So, the B-Side now! Same guitar droning… and well, the same everything. I’m not sure how this got put on vinyl or anything. This isn’t good at all!

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A – Smoking Control

B – Overeating Control

Health Awareness Unlimited

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Voice – Jackson White, M.D.
Music – Wayde Blair
Recording – Gene Estribou
Photography – Diana Church
Production & Design – Charles Wehrenberg

Other Albums I Own by Dr. Jackson White, MD:


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