Traci Lords – “Fallen Angel”

The Sleeve:
105_5665 105_5666

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
 I like Traci Lords as an actress, I’m sure she’s a very nice person too. But that album cover… why is she surrounded by anal beads?

 So, the album opens with the “Perfecto Mix” and it starts off alright, nothing overly bassy or techno sounding, but hey, I do hate techno anyways. Anyways, so when the vocals come around the song is actually surprisingly decent. I thought it was going to be garbage, but no, it’s alright, Traci is a good singer. The techno sounding music is kind of annoying. I’m also not sure if she is singing “Fallen Angel” or “Fuck the Angel” – or both. Okay, so now that track is over, we go onto the “Honeymoon Stitch Mix” and keep in mind, this is a 12″ techno single, so much like every techno single, it’s the same song over and over, with just different instruments, paces and beats. So, it’s basically the same thing. This one is more of a metal sound to it, it’s actually better than the first track though, so we’ll give Traci that.

 Now that I’ve endured the first two mixes, I’m on mix 3, the “Muzik Club Vocal” and it definitely sounds like that type of club music you’d hear in movies in the 1990’s. It’s just repetitive. The vocals come in, and guess what? It’s the same. You know, I’m going to go out on a limb, and assume the last song is the same as the previous 3, and just with different musicianship. Also, the closing track is titled “Mykonos House Mix” and is ten minutes long. House music + 10 minutes = me unhappy.

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Perfecto Mix
A2 – Honeymoon Switch Mix

B1 – Muzik Club Vocal
B2 – Mykonos House Mix

Radio Active

Catalog Number:
RAR12 55086

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Written by Traci Lords, Ben Watkins & Johann Blay
Produced by Juno Reactor
Additional Production & Remix by Chad Smith, Johnny Vicious, Gary GStyle Morse, Yianni Papadopoulous & Dave Navarro
Remixed by Paul Oakenfold for Perfecto
Executive Producer – Gary Kurfirst
Management – Juliet Green & Alan Siegal
Design – Stan Endo & Mark Felt
Photography – Raul Vega

Other Albums I Own by Traci Lords:


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