The Sleeve: The Liner/Sleeve Notes: None. Personal Review: So, Luie Luie… He’s mostly famous for creating the “Touchy“… Anyways, this is one of his lesser known singles. The A-Side is “Bump Me Baby“, so I’ll start there. So, the track basically isn’t like anything you’d expect from someone who looks like this, but you... Read More »
The Sleeve: The Liner/Sleeve Notes: None. Personal Review: Once in a while there comes a female singer (in the non-Gospel genres) who just prove to be overly amazing compared to other female singers, Phyllis Brown is one of those. Much like Elizabeth Barraclough or Merle Fischer – she proves that she can... Read More »
The Sleeve: The Liner/Sleeve Notes: “Once every so often a performer comes along who can capture the hearts and minds of an audience. Such a performer is A. Frank Willis. Your fantastic versatility coupled with your authentic personality makes you one of the top performers, not only in Newfoundland, but in the whole of... Read More »