Phyllis Brown – “Phyllis Brown”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:  

Personal Review:  
Once in a while there comes a female singer (in the non-Gospel genres) who just prove to be overly amazing compared to other female singers, Phyllis Brown is one of those. Much like Elizabeth Barraclough or Merle Fischer – she proves that she can sing, better then most singers who were actually with a major label. Anyways, onto the review.

So the album opens with the absolutely amazing track “Ora” (I believe it’s supposed to be ‘aura’… which would explain the cover.) It seems to be one of the strongest tracks on this LP. (Though the entire album is strong.) It’s followed by the slower, but still amazing “Beginning Now“. Phyllis can just hit the high notes, and low notes and it’s all amazing. I wish this album had full studio credits, as piano player on the track “But I Can’t Get Back” is terrific – he/she deserves some credit too! Anyways, Phyllis delivers those high notes like she is the Queen of High Notes. Then  comes the Country sounding “Free to Choose” which is just another amazing track. (I feel I could easily just write the review by saying Phyllis is amazing.) The A-Side closes with the song “Anybody Else” it happens to be one the weaker tracks on this LP, but not overly bad or anything.

Flip that baby over, and play the B’s!

So, the B-Side opens with the track “Keys to the Kingdom” which comes off as a song that could be used as the main theme to a 70’s or 80’s movie. Everything about it is wonderful, I’d definitely use it as theme. It is then followed by the song “You Without Me” which is just a slow, boring song. It does pick up however, which is good! Then comes the third track, “Another Time“, which must like the previous track is pretty boring. Then the album picks up slightly with the track “Hope Street Blues” – which is another track that could be a theme to like an 80’s sitcom, or something. Although, basically the songs on the B-Side slowly just begin to get slower and slower… “Turn Around and Love You” is a perfect example of that, just slow, piano playing music… it basically goes to the point where you’re not even sure when “Turn Around and Love You” finishes and “The Thought of Leaving You” begins…

Anyways, usually I can find some sort of information explaining where the artist is today. After much searching, nothing has turned up. Phyllis has seemed to have vanished from Earth.

I recently received an email from Phyllis Brown, she has not vanished off of the Earth! However, she did leave the music business in 1982 after writing for Screen-Gems/EMI for 5 years! Keep on rocking Phyllis!

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Ora
A2 – Beginning Now
A3 – But I Can’t Get Back
A4 – Free to Choose
A5 – Anybody Else

B1 – Keys to the Kingdom
B2 – You Without Me
B3 – Another Time
B4 – Hope Street Blues
B5 – Turn Around and Love You
B6 – The Thought of Leaving You


Catalog Number:
Z 30824

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Producer: Steve Clark for A.R.M.
Arrangers: Glen D. Hardin & Larry Muhoberac
Engineer: Tom Perry
Studio: Hollywood Sound
Cover Photo: George Meinzinger
Cover Design: Vatican II
Thanks to Joanie, Richard, Jack and Jean

Personal management and Phyllis Brown fan club c/o: Artists Road Management, 8255 Sunset Blvd. Suite 108, Los Angeles, Calif. 90069

Other Albums I Own by Phyllis Brown:


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