The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“Our church was richly blessed to have Dr. Roy Anderson, Jr. worship with us and participate in our morning worship services by giving a special musical number. His rendition was enthusiastically and appreciatively received by the congregation. We only wished that he could have been with us longer so we that we could have been edified the more by his God-given talents.
We highly recommend him as a dedicated servant of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Rev. R.K. Young, Jr.
Bethel A.M.E. Church
Little Rock, Arkanas
Rev. W.F. McIntosh
Green St. United Presbyterian Church
Morganton, North Carolina
Dr. Roy Anderson, Jr. is one of those rare persons who help make the lives of those about him brighter; his concern for others, effective teaching abilities and musical talents create an atmosphere for learning and living.
Dr. Anderson is a wonderful person, an enthusiastic teacher and a dedicated minister of music. When I think of his cheerful personality and ability to reach high standards, I think of the quote “O Lord, I do most cheerfully commit all unto Thee.”
Rev. L.I. Moreland
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Abilene, Texas
Dean J.R. Hamtick
Biscayne Southern College
Charlotte, North Carolina
Professor Booker Tyler, Jr., known to all as THE WHEEL-CHAIR WONDER and his TYLER TRIO just “KEEP ON WALKING BY FAITH.” Although Prof. Tyler has been confined to his wheel-chair for twenty-eight years, he has not let that hinder him from singing God’s praises. His recordings tell us we must continue on our heavenly journey, no matter how perplexed our problems may become. The group has been organized for twenty-seven years and since that time countless churches across the nation have been blessed through their inspired vocal stylings.
This aggregation is composed of Prof. Tyler, his mother, Mrs. Netrel Tyler, his nephew, Dr. Roy Anderson, Jr., his niece, Mrs. Marian Felton and Marian’s daughter, Miss Nita Felton, one of gospel’s youngest singers.
All those who hear this exceptional album will agree that the TYLER TRIO is truly one of America’s most sensational gospel groups.
Rev. A.T. Jackson
Liberty Baptist Church
Chicago, Illinois
Rev. J.R. Gant
Eastern Star Baptist Church
Louisville, Kentucky”
Personal Review:
So, firstly, there are two copies of this album in my collection. This one, the 1976 re-issue, and the 1970 original press. Both have different colors, same titles and track listing. The 1970 one is featured in the lower right picture of the back cover.
The album opens with the track “There is No Failure in God” – and hey, the piano playing is pretty good, and so far the male vocals aren’t that bad. Though, the song has just begun. A lot can change over the course of a half hour, though, so far the vocals are pretty amazing. I’m pretty sure Nita Felton, the little girl, is doing a lot of the background vocals. The next track is “I’m Willing” and it’s another good track, I really ain’t gonna complain here. So far this album has proved to be pretty good, and we’re only on track two! Then comes “All That You Need is Jesus” – this one, is most definitely sung by Nita Felton, and the roll of amazing songs comes to an end, with a little girl shouting. Then comes the track “Keep Trusting In Jesus” and it goes back to amazing Gospel music again! It’s a good song, I don’t know why they would’ve put that little girl shouting right in the middle, it kind of killed the vibe. Then the A-Side closes with “These Bones Gonna Rise Again” – and it’s a wonderful track, I really can’t complain thus far. It does start off slow, but then boom! It picks up and gets amazing!
The B-Side opens with “Lord, Let Me Walk Again” which opens with a spoken testimony from Booker Tyler, Jr., the Wheel-Chair wonder! It’s a little slower, but it’s pretty good. Makes for a good opening track. The next track is “It Takes the Same Thing to Keep Him” – and I cannot get over how great this album has proved to be thus far. The next song is “If I Can Make It to Heaven” – so, this far, I’ve learned Dr. Roy Anderson, Jr. is a superb pianist and organist, and that Prof. Booker Tyler, Jr., is a great singer – this song, is just another song that proves this to me! Then comes the track “The Bells” – which features the whole group singing together, and it’s a pretty neat track – and they reference themselves in the song. The album ends with the track, “It’s Amazing” – and well, it’s pretty amazing! I can’t really complain there!
In the end, it’s almost impossible to find any information anyone who was part of the Tyler Trio. I’ve looked, not much comes up.
Interesting Facts:
Track Listing:
A1 – There Is No Failure in God
A2 – I’m Willing
A3 – All That You Need is Jesus
A4 – Keep Trusting in Jesus
A5 – These Bones Gonna Rise Again
B1 – Lord, Let Me Walk Again
B2 – It Takes the Same Thing to Keep Him
B3 – If I Can Make it to Heaven
B4 – The Bells
B5 – It’s Amazing
Recording Industry Association of America
Catalog Number:
Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Produced by Shannon Williams
Recorded at Woodland Sound Studios
Album Design: Dan Quest & Associates
Liner Photography: Dan Quest, Prof. Tyler and Marian Felton
Other Albums I Own by Dr. Roy Anderson, Jr and The Tyler Trio:
“Lord, Let Us Walk by Faith” (1970 Version)
“The Lord Has Done So Much for Me”
Dr. Anderson inspired me to learn music in grade school. He is a wonderful teacher and musician.
Do you know the whereabouts of Dr. Anderson now?
I am trying to replace a very old tape of Dr. Anderson that I have. I fully enjoy it and it is worn out now. I met him one year at the NBC USA, INC. and purchased”Walking by Faith”. Does come on a cd now? I would also like information on him. I would be very thankful for any information you can give. His music is so inspiring to me.
I am a former band student of Dr. Roy Anderson. I would like to actually know how to contact him. He is a great friend of the family. But I just lost contact, and have not been able to locate him. Somebody please notify him for me. Thank you!
I also was a student of Dr Anderson in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School in the 70s he still lives in Charlotte area