Father Robert White ‎– “A Heart That Understands / What Might Have Been”

The Sleeve:

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:

Personal Review:
 Father Robert White, known for his ridiculously expensive record – “The Reverend in Rhythm” – also, released this little 45 right here. Who woulda thunk?

 The A-Side is “A Heart That Understands” – and it’s you basic pop / vocal standard with the backing vocals, and the orchestra, it’s an alright track, not overly bad or anything it’s decent. It is a lot like his album – music wise. I guess it can be compared to Bing Crosby maybe?

 The B-Side is “” – it too is vocal pop standard, but this one has more of that amazing 50’s pop sound to it, and Father Bob sounds a lot like Edwyn Collins of 80’s pop band Orange Juice. This song is really what makes this one so good, if it was a double sided 45, I’d hope it would be just this song, because this song is really the best one out of the two. Excellent music.

Interesting Facts:
It’s the Reverend in Rhythm!

Track Listing:
A – A Heart That Understands

B – What Might Have Been

Standout Track:
What Might Have Been

Briar Record Productions

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Arranged & Conducted by John Domurad
Producer – Joseph Saia

Other Albums I Own by Father Robert White:
The Reverend in Rhythm


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