The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“imagine the clouds dripping. dig a hole in your garden to put them in. yoko ’63”
Personal Review:
John Lennon’s “Imagine” (which is said to be one of his most iconic albums) was released 9 years, 3 months, 12 hours, 20 minutes and 57 seconds before he was shot and killed on December 8th, 1980. (Give or take a few seconds.) Personally, I’m not a big Beatles fan, nor am I huge on Lennon/McCartney (though my collection, which holds 6 Lennon albums, 14 Paul McCartney albums, 3 George Harrison albums, 1 Ringo Starr album, and 5 Beatles albums. Though, Ringo and George appear on many, many albums. So, yea, I may look like a fan, but I’m not, don’t get me wrong, they’re good, they’re talented and stuff. I’ve slowly grown fonder of McCartney, always have loved Ringo and George… but John, something about him, I never liked. So, in conclusion, I will do my best to keep an open mind about this album, ’cause John was a talented singer and song-writer.
So, the album opens with the title track, “Imagine” which I am more than positive every single living person knows that song. I, well, I just don’t understand why John would want to imagine no heaven? Like, I enjoy the song, it’s on my iPod, it has a fair amount of plays. I understand the song is about the world being “one” and everyone being the same, but that just sounds completely boring. The world lives for difference, we as humans thrive on it. (I have no idea why I am going on a life debate here.) I agree, everyone should get along, there should be peace, there is no need for greed or hunger, and yea sharing is cool. I just don’t think … argh, forget it. I don’t like the song that much, but that’s from 8 years of school choir at the Remembrance Day ceremonies. Next up is “Crippled Inside” and well, John… I like it. It’s not that bad. Not sure what the song means, and why it is so upbeat when you’re hiding that you’re crippled inside, and why you’re singing about cats having 9 lives and dogs having one. That 9 lives stuff, that’s a load of B.S., sorry to say. Next up is “Jealous Guy” and ooh, a piano opening. What is this? This is boring. I have to admit, John is talented, I find him boring. (Maybe I need someone to show me how to enjoy this music or something.) What is with this whistling? Next up is “It’s So Hard” and that guitar and sax solo at the beginning, and Lennon’s raunchy vocals. Erk. Who does he think he is? David Bowie. He can’t pull that off. Next up is “I Don’t to Be a Soldier” – so what now? Anti-War songs? First anti-religion songs, then upbeat songs about feeling dead and now anti-war. Yea, war is bad, I don’t approve of it. But what was John trying to prove here? This is awful, so far, only 2 songs that I find actually worth listening to on this album. Good this side is over.
The B-Side just goes right into the song “Give Me Some Truth” besides the lack of an opening, the song is good, so I’ll give John some points there, and the musicianship is good too. Next up, is the only song by John Lennon that I can say is a favorite of mine, “Oh My Love” which was co-written by Yoko Ono. (Who I own a 45 by.) I particularly like the song because of it’s use in the film “Little Darlings” starring the beautiful Tatum O’Neal. Next up is “How Do You Sleep?” which references the Beatles album “Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” – and the song is another one of those attempts to have a smooth rock sound, but just come off as boring. Of course, the song drags on and on, and you forget you’re listening to it, and it becomes listenable. So, we’ll give John a point here. Next up is “How?” and well, John, you can have another point here, it’s not that bad. I guess John, despite your talents, I don’t like you… and finally, the album ends with “Oh Yoko!” (Undoubtedly wrote for Yoko Ono.) and well, the song would be better, if it wasn’t written about Yoko Ono.
In the end, the Germs once said they were going to be bigger than the Beatles. John’s death overshadowed Darby Crash’s death. Darby Crash’s review overshadows John’s.
Interesting Facts:
None. Although, I got this record with a whole mess of other records in a vinyl lot of 3 milk crates full for $100.00
Track Listing:
A1 – Imagine
A2 – Crippled Inside
A3 – Jealous Guy
A4 – It’s So Hard
A5 – I Don’t Want to Be A Soldier
B1 – Give Me Some Truth
B2 – Oh My Love
B3 – How Do You Sleep?
B4 – How?
B5 – Oh Yoko!
Apple Records
Catalog Number:
SW 3379
Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Produced by John Lennon, Yoko Ono & Phil Spector
Bass & Maracas – Klaus Voorman & Steve Brendell
Composed By – John Lennon
Drums – Alan White, Jim Gordon & Jim Keltner
Featuring The Flux Fiddlers
Guitar – George Harrison, Joey Molland, John Lennon, John Tout, Rod Linton, Ted Turner & Tom Evans
Guitar [Dobro] – George Harrison
Harmonium – John Barham
Piano – John Lennon & Nicky Hopkins
Vocals – John Lennon
*The above information comes from Discogs.
Other Albums I Own by John Lennon:
Plastic Ono Band
Shaved Fish
Walls and Bridges
Other Albums I Own that John Lennon Appears On:
The Beatles – The Beatles’ Christmas Album
The Beatles – Hot as Sun
The Beatles – Live! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962
The Beatles – Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles – Twist and Shout
John Lennon & Yoko Ono – Double Fantasy
John Lennon & Yoko Ono – Sometime in New York City
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