Ken & LuAnn Snyder – “Unity”

The Sleeve:
KenLuAnnUnityFront KenLuAnneUnity

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“LuAnn and I have commited ourselves to this Ministry of Sharing the Gospel. It isn’t two individuals, but a joint effort as we are led by the Lord.
As you listen to the music and it’s message we trust, as the body of the Lord, you will unite yourself with others.
Remember, we are all in it together. “So Let’s Unite.””

Personal Review:
 To be truly honest, I had bought the record because Ken Snyder is on the cover. For those of you who don’t know who Ken is, simply click here. Anyways, I eventually got around to giving this record a spin, and it was alot better than Ken’s “By Request Only”. I do believe that the fact it is better is solely from the fact that LuAnn provides a solid amount of the vocals.

 So, here is my review… The title track, “So Let’s Unite” is the first track, which is my personal favorite track on this LP. The second song is “The Rocks Would Praise Him” which is about everything coming to life and praising Jesus (wat.) Then comes “The Message of His Coming” – and well, so far this song seems to be good… but still, this record is kind of blah. It does pick-up… but then drops. Then comes “Kid’s Kollection” – and by this point, I’m beginning to think this LP wasn’t directed towards adults. Wait, what is this? Are they doing “Let the Son Shine In”? THEY ARE. Okay, I can deal with this. (Lil’ Markie still wins.) but hey, I can roll with this. Anyways, the A-Side closes with “Blest Be the Tie” and it’s slow…

 B-Side, please? It opens with “I Just Keep Running Back” – I am starting to feel they ripped off some lyrics from different Gospel songs, (just my opinion) – though it is an okay song. “Just One Touch” comes next, and well, it’s okay? (I think. Okay, so Ken isn’t my type of Gospel?) Then comes “Sing Me a Song About Calvary” which seems to be a little better than the others. “He’s My Harbor” comes up next, it too, is only okay. Anyways, the B-Side closes with the ever-so-slow track “Let Us Worship Him”.

 Anyways, Ken & LuAnn are still married and still residing in Sheldon, IA. (Iowa pride! Represent!)
Ken still pastors, apparently he didn’t know until a few years ago how famous he has really become.

Interesting Facts:
Someone had wrote in pen on Ken’s shirt on the back cover “Sept. 1982”, possibly Ken? Possibly LuAnn? Or maybe the producer, Art Bain? My bets are someone wrote it the month they got it.


Track Listing:
A1 – So Let’s Unite
A2 – The Rocks Would Praise Him
A3 – The Message of His Coming
A4 – Kid’s Kollection
A5 – Blest Be the Tie

B1 – I Just Keep Running Back
B2 – Just One Touch
B3 – Sing Me a Song About Calvary
B4 – He’s My Harbor
B5 – Let Us Worship Him

Jubilee Sound Productions

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians and other Album Credits:
Piano, Organ and Electric Piano: Art Bain
Bass Guitar: Steve Maudlin
Acoustic & Electric Guitars and Harmonica: Chuck Tipton
Drums and Percussion: Russell Maudlin
Electric Guitar: Bobby All
Banjo: Otis Forrest
Background Vocals: Judy Sells, Judy Marshall, Barbara Hill & Art Bain
Fiddle: Jake Owens
Album Jacket Design: Chuck Tipton
Photography: Brass Shutter
Re-Mix Engineer: Art Bain
The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Strings and Brass, Arranged and Conducted by: Art Bain

Other Albums I Own by Ken & LuAnn Snyder:


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