Tammy Renee’ Harris – “When You’re Loved”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
WHEN YOU’RE LOVED is an album of special occasion songs that were chosen from Tammy Renee’s repertoire, because of their popularity and message of love.  
 Tammy feels strongly about the songs she sings and that Christians should not be forced to by secular albums to get these great classics. Therefore, we know you will enjoy these songs sung from a hear that understands the greatest love of all… that is God’s love.
 When we truly love someone, we feel as though we would like to give them the whole world; in much the way our Heavenly Father gave the whole world His only Son. It is through Him that we can know true love. It has been said, as in one of the songs, that the thing worth more than any treasure is the precious gift of love. Tammy’s desire is that you will find and walk daily in the reflection of God’s love.
 Many people, who have heard Tammy in person or via her recordings, have said they feel she has a bright future and is one of today’s most promising young artists. This is Tammy’s sixth solo album and again she has included her very popular multi-voice background (this is where she sings all the harmony parts as well as melody).
 WHEN YOU’RE LOVED fills many requests for the great songs of love and is a bit different from her traditional gospel albums. May you receive many hours of enjoyment as you listen to Tammy Renee’

Personal Review:
Firstly, Tammy and I are friends – and Tammy is amazing. Hands down, she was the former Miss Chicago. Anyways, the album opens with the track “When You’re Loved” which is terrifically delivered by Tammy, who can do just about any song you tell her to sing. Then comes the slower track, “Perfect Love” which once again is delivered perfectly by Tammy, showcasing her amazing vocal talents doing the solo and backing vocals on her own. The song “Love is the Key” follows, it starts off slow, but soon as Tammy gets into the song, with Bill Casolari’s backing orchestra – the song takes off! Tammy doing all the vocals on the track “You Were There” is absolutely amazing! Then comes the track “The Precious Gift of Love” which seems to be the perfect way to close the A-Side.

Anyways, so the B-Side opens with the track “The Way We Were” (which oddly reminds me of “Memory” from the musical CATS) anyways, it’s an amazing way to open the B-Side. I kind of wish everyone could hear the records I hear when I write these reviews. Then comes the slower, but not dull – “Colour My World“, which isn’t one of my favorite tracks on this LP, but I do once again, quite enjoy how Tammy deliver’s al the tracks. “You Light Up My Life” follows and turns out to be quite a catchy tune. Tammy even delivers an amazing cover of the Carpenters hit “We’ve Only Just Begun” – which may I say, may just might be as great as the original version! The album closes with the song “More” which is an excellent choice of closing tracks.

Anyways, so Tammy still performs in the USA. This is her website.

Interesting Facts:

Well, firstly – this is addressed to me, as I am a personal friend of the Harris family.

To Colin with love! Tammy Renee’

Track Listing:
A1 – When You’re Loved
A2 – Perfect Love
A3 – Love is the Key
A4 – You Were There
A5 – The Precious Gift of Love

B1 – The Way We Were
B2 – Colour My World
B3 – You Light Up My Life
B4 – We’ve Only Just Begun
B5 – More

Wine Skin Records (A Division of Crusade Enterprises)

Catalog Number:
LP 259-32

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Solo & Background Vocals – Tammy Renee’ Harris
Produced by Ray & Tammy Renee’ Harris
Orchestrations by Bill Casolari
Photography by Nip’s of Salem, IL
Engineer by Ray Harris & Bill Casolari
Recorded at Crusade Studios, Flora, IL

Other Albums I Own by Tammy Renee’ Harris:
Because I Love Him…
One Voice for Jesus
Tammy in Taiwan

Appears on:
Ray Harris & the Crusaders of Illinois – “Moments to Remember
The Ray Harris Trio – “The Ray Harris Trio


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