Scotty Stevenson & the Canadian Nighthawks – “Big Scene ’67”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
1967 is Canada’s Centennial and just about every Canadian artist has his own Centennial album. Why not Scotty Stevenson and the Canadian Nighthawks.
 First, let’s introduce you to the fellows who make up the Nighthawks.
 STEEL GUITARIST : BUDDY ACKERS. Buddy needs no introduction as he has been with Scotty for the past eight years. His technique has surpassed many and he stands up with the best in the business.
 DRUMMER : RON CARLTON. Hails from Toronto, Ontario and started playing at the age of 14. Has spent five years in the Canadian Navy. Another great musician.
 BASS GUITAR : MARTY DesGARDINS. Born in Gracefield, Quebec, started playing music at the age of 12. Marty is an exceptionally talented musician and well-known throughout Eastern Canada.
 Last but by no means least, the leader of the group – SCOTTY STEVENSON. Scotty hails from Alberta but has made Montreal his home base for the past few years. Has also travelled for concerts throughout the Maritimes and Eastern United States.
 … and the music : – in this album Country Music is the speciality. You’ll find Scotty and the boys swinging to please everyone, and Scotty is in exceptionally fine voice, right from the start, with BIG SCENE ’67, written by Scotty for all visitors to Montreal’s World Fair.
 Scotty also salutes the rest of Canada on this fine L.P., with the West represented by such favourites as BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES and ALBERTA; the East with the well-known Hank Snow composition MY NOVA SCOTIA HOME.
 We would like to mention one number in particular, written specially for this L.P. by Zeb Turner, well-known song writer and artist from Nashville, MONTREAL, MY HOMETOWN. We must give credit where credit is due on this song the credit goes to four young children who were only too pleased to contribute to this centennial project. They are : –
 Debbie Stevenson (10), Derryl Stevenson (9), Bobby Bowie (8), Danny Bowie (9)

Personal Review:
Not sure how to start this review, never heard of Scotty Stevenson, and only found the record in a $0.99 bin at Value Village… So, here we go!
The album opens with the song “Big Scene ’67” which is a song about Montreal’s Expo 67, and you know, I have heard plenty of country albums, and Canadian (Montreal / Nova Scotia) country music, and well, this is basically that! It’s not bad at all, but definitely not something I would be like “I gotta buy this!” (that genre, not the album) – next up comes “Peace River Waltz” – which comes out to be a lot slower than the previous track, more listenable too. Then comes “Blue Emmons” which is a rather neat instrumental piece, not sure what an ‘Emmons’ is… Google says it’s a steel guitar. Next comes “Canadian Rose” – which comes out as another slow track, not a bad one, just your traditional sappy country music. It’s relatively good. Next up is “Canada’s Song” – and for a Canadian Centennial record, you kind of expect that it has a lot of songs about Canada on it. Especially this one, which describes Canada.

The B-Side opens with the track “Montreal, My Hometown” which is sung by Scotty and a bunch of kids, (ick. kids singing.) it’s that basic off-key children singing too. You know the kind. “Blue Canadian Rockies” come next, and I am pretty sure every Canadian private pressing artist has recorded this song, or atleast the ones from Eastern Canada… maybe it is because the Canadian Rockies are so far across the country? I don’t know though, been there. Never been to the East. Next up comes “Corn Crib” which is another instrumental track, and I like it, I really wish I knew who was who on the cover, so I could give proper credits to the rightful musicians! Next comes the track titled “Alberta” (been there too.) and well, it’s a song about Alberta… it talks about Jasper and Banff (been to both those places also.) “Alberta I love you, Alberta my dream” – greatest line ever. The album closes with the track “My Nova Scotia Home” – and well, the song is good. Not that bad at all. I think we can say this album ends on a good note.

Interesting Facts:
Not so much an interesting fact, but this dude dead center of the cover looks an awful a lot like Jay Baruchel, maybe even Tom Hanks?

Track Listing:
A1 – Big Scene ’67
A2 – Peace River Waltz
A3 – Blue Emmons
A4 – Canadian Rose
A5 – Canada’s Song

B1 – Montreal, My Hometown
B2 – Blue Canadian Rockies
B3 – Corn Crib
B4 – Alberta
B5 – My Nova Scotia Home

Catalog Number:
GA 1014

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Buddy Ackers – Steel Guitarist
Ron Carlton – Drummer
Marty DesGardins – Bass Guitar
Produced and Directed by the Nighthawks

Other Albums I Own by Scotty Stevenson & The Canadian Nighthawks:


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