Elizabeth Barraclough – “Elizabeth Barraclough”

The Sleeve:
105_5164 105_5166

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
Elizabeth’s voice was coming to me in Nashville over the phone from Woodstock… Butter and The Nashville Pickers setting her off just right… Building the intensity, letting it fly high, bringing it down to reality… Then Elizabeth took over, making the song her own.
Then is was dance time, rock and roll time, shouting time, time to let it all hang out, time to move it, time to push it, make it do what she wanted it to do until it was over… And out.
There was more… Stories, pictures and scenes from New Mexico to L.A. to London to New York… She’s been looking for whatever it is we’re all looking for… Over the phone her voice was reaching me, touching me, making me glad to hear from a fellow traveler.
Jim K. Rooney

Personal Review:
 It’s personally a top favorite of mine, the blue-sy rock sound mixed with the very masterful sounds Elizabeth’s voice.

 Anyways, the album opens with the track “Willy Ruby” – which comes off as a country / blues song. I must say, Elizabeth is definitely in my top 5 favorite female singers. The following track is one of my personal favorite tracks by Elizabeth, the song “Believe It So” – anyways, the song features amazing piano playing and harmonica by the talented Paul Butterfield! Elizabeth delivers the vocals beautifully. The next track is another country sounding track called “Boney Mountain” and to say the least, it’s another amazing track by Elizabeth! The next song is “Like the Desert Needs the Sand” which to me, is the ULTIMATE break-up song. Especially the line “But you know I’m always with you, like the deserts with the sand – take the freedom you have coming, but don’t forget the things we’ve had” (the amount of break-ups that song has helped me through is unbelievable.) It instantly brings the rating to a 5 star rating. The A-Side closes with the song “Covered Up in Aces” – which was also released as a single! It too, is a personal favorite of mine!

 Onwards to the B-Side, it opens with the song “Who Do You Think’s the Fool” which is 100% funk and way ahead of it’s time, and super political! Perfect. It’s a really good song! Makes for a perfect opening. The next track is “Shepherd’s Bush” – which if you listen carefully, you can hear someone yelling out, “One, Two, Three!” in what sounds like a British accent! Anyways, this song is another… wait, she just said shit. She totally just said SHIT! (five points.) anyways, this song is another funk – rock style song, it’s pretty neat. (she said shit!) The next song is “Don’t TV Me” which is definitely blues, and Elizabeth has proven thus far that she can basically do any genre of music! (She also doesn’t like Hawaii 5-0.) The next song goes back to the style of “Covered Up in Aces“, and is titled “Sunset Harvest Moon” – it’s pretty good, she also hits some of her funk and blues roots in this track. The final track on the B-Side is “Late in My Bed” – which is an absolutely amazing track to close the album with. Elizabeth is a very talented woman! – and beautiful too!


Interesting Facts:


(It’s a promo copy!)

Track Listing:
A1 – Willy Ruby
A2 – Believe It So
A3 – Boney Mountain
A4 – Like the Desert Needs the Mountain
A5 – Covered Up in Aces

B1 – Who Do You Think’s the Fool
B2 – Shepherd’s Bush
B3 – Don’t TV Me
B4 – Sunset Harvest Moon
B5 – Late in My Bed

Bearsville Records

Catalog Number:
BRK 6978

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Elizabeth Barraclough – Vocals & Guitar
Dave Lewis, Malcolm Mortimore & Kenny Buttrey – Drums
Charlie McCoy – Piano
Mike Leech & Iam Hampton – Electric Bass
Paul Butterfield – Harmonica
Russell Hicks – Steel Guitar
Mick Hodgkinson – Keyboards, Electric Bass & Guitar
Bob Boucher – Electric & Stand Up Bass
Todd Rundgren – Electric Guitar
Billy Sanford – Acoustic Guitar
Smoke Abingdon – Electric Guitar

Recorded in England, Nashville & Bearsville by Eddy Offord
Produced by John Simon
Bearsville Records, London, England – Ian Kimmel
Peter Yarrow
Albert Grossmen – Referee
Jim Rooney – Liner Notes
Barry Feinstein – Back Cover Design
Stephen DeVita – Front Cover Photograph
Mixed at Bearsville Sound Studios, Bearsville, N.Y. by Eddy Offord
Mastering by Bob Ludwig at Masterdisk N.Y.C.
Mastering Technique by Pukex

Other Albums I Own by Elizabeth Barraclough:
Covered Up in Aces / Covered Up in Aces


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