The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“Donna and I thought we were really in love when we were engaged, but after we were married we discovered what love was all about. Then when little Patricia Deann came along a year and a half later, our love sprang into new dimensions. There is nothing quite like a closely-knit Christian home where there is an abundance of love, but that is still just finite love. God’s love is infinite, immeasurable, and incomprehensible. Connesteee Falls, near Brevard, North Carolina, is the beautiful setting for the cover shot. There is a great likeness between a waterfall and God’s love: both are beautiful, refreshing, awesome, constant, and powerful.
God has certainly been good to Donna and me by saving us from the terrors of hell at early ages, and by keeping us from the snares of Satan in our Christian walk. We’re thankful for the training we received at Bob Jones University, for the blessing of our little daughter, and for our calling to go to the needy field of New York City to establish fundamental, independent, separated Baptist churches. It is our prayer that this recording will convey God’s infinite love, that it will be a blessing to the Christian listener and an instrument in the salvation of the lost.
In our deputation meetings we have sung “Infinite Love,” “Weeping for Souls,” and “More Precious Than Life” as part of our presentation. We were urged by many Christians in these churches to record these songs, so this record is in response to these requests. God has supplied every need and led in every detail, so we know that He is in it. We do not record songs that have written to boast or draw attention to ourselves, but, hopefully, only to exalt Christ and edify believers.
The Lord gave me the first song, “Weeping For Souls” on January 7, 1972. I was in New York doing follow-up work, working with the converts who had been led to Christ by a summer team made up of six BJU students. I had failed to witness for about three weeks and the Lord deeply convicted me to the point of tears. Picking up a guitar I started playing a tune that stirred my mind for lyrics. The Lord was with me in a special way, because I had never written a poem in my life, but that night I had the tune, four stanzas and the chorus in forty-five minutes. The next day the Lord gave me “Infinite Love” and on and on it went. Each song has its own story, but space won’t allow for it. I’m not a musician (in fact, Donna has had to write out the music, and believe me, she has been a big help), but God has give me a love and an ear for music that I want to use for His glory.
Doug Lowery
A special word of thanks to a brother in Christ named Steve. I had the joy of leading Steve to Christ in the summer of ’71 while in New York. Steve’s gifts have made this record financially possible.
Also, a sincere “thank you” to Mrs. Frank Garlock and Mr. Jim Martin for their assistance in making this recording possible. Their artistry and creative expression have greatly enhanced each of the songs recorded. Their time and help are deeply appreciated.
And then a tribute to our parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lowery of Delavan, Wisconsin, and Evangelist and Mrs. Zelfred Smith of Corinth, Mississippi. We praise God for their example and influence, and for the love they have expressed to us over the years.”
Personal Review:
So, this album was one of my first thirft store gospel finds – and unfortunately, the first song on both sides does not play due to the fact it is split.
Technically speaking, the album opens with “I’m Looking Today for Him” – but in reality, it opens with “Looking Unto Jesus” and well, the vocals are definitely different, something about these couples albums weird me out. This song is kind of repetitive, and Doug’s vocals are something a bit different. Then comes “Peace Through the Cross” which has Doug and Donna both singing, I kind of prefer Donna’s singing, though neither are nothing overly special – vocally. I quite dig the organ playing. Then comes “Weeping for Souls” and I think Doug’s voice is slowly growing on me… I think. The piano playing and organ playing is pretty nice, I definitely like those parts of the songs, I don’t however like how Doug hits the high notes, those aren’t that great – and why is it that Donna only sings at the beginning of songs, and that is it? “Jesus Gives Me A Song” comes next, and it seems to just be Donna this far, and those high notes she gives out are definitely loud – and I mean LOUD. Donna kind of sounds like a little kid when she starts to sing, then as she slowly begins to hit the high notes, it’s like a total different person singing. It’s so weird.
Once more, technically, it starts with “The Longer I Serve Him” – but we’re starting with “There Was No Other Way” and still not getting into this album or Doug’s voice. For the record, the liner notes do say Doug is not a musician, and that Donna is the musician in the family. Then comes another duet by the couple titled “More Precious than Life” and the song is alright, and if I had to pick out of the two of whose voice I prefer to hear, it would have to be Donna’s – but without all the high notes, those kill me and hurt the ears. “Jesus Shrine Through Me” comes next, and it’s a slow song, nothing overly special, the vocals are decent on this track, Doug is better at singing the slow, slow, sloooow songs. The album ends with “Infinite Love” and it’s an alright ending track, nothing too special or anything.
To this day, Doug & Donna still do their thing.
Interesting Facts:
Track Listing:
A1 – I’m Looking Today for Him
A2 – Looking Unto Jesus
A3 – Peace Through the Cross
A4 – Weeping for Souls
A5 – Jesus Gives Me a Song
B1 – The Longer I Serve Him
B2 – There Was No Other Way
B3 – More Precious Than Life
B4 – Jesus Shines Through Me
B5 – Infinite Love
No Label.
Catalog Number:
Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Engineer – Tom Dodd
Photographer – Neville Chin
Art Direction – Michael Burnette
Piano – Mrs. Frank Garlock
Organ – Jim Martin
Other Albums I Own by Doug & Donna Lowery:
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