The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“ABOUT THIS RECORDING (Sleeve notes specifically printed for those with poor eyesight.):
This superb performance of three of Petr Ilich Tchaikovsky’s best-loved works, has been specifically recorded, using the latest electronic micro-recording techniques, so as to be totally audible to the hard-of-hearing. The startling new technological break-through which has made this possible has been developed over the last 30 years by Prof. Herman Sclumarcher of The Institute Of Not Quite Hearing in Somewhere or Other. The techniques employed are not radically different from those employed in conventional recording, so as it avoids any undue distortion or interference. The music, however, is played very slowly and extremely loud. Every note is played exactly as it was written only 6 times as long and 14 times as loud. For many of the the hard-of-hearing, the full richness and brilliance of Tchaikovksky’s works are thus revealed for the first time. If, however, trouble is still experienced in hearing any of the notes contained on this disc, it should be returned in its original packing (with the plastic skin unbroken) to the address below, within a week of purchase, or 30 seconds after buying, whichever be shorter.”
Personal Review:
To start this off, let me start by saying this has been sitting on my desk for quite a few weeks now waiting to be reviewed. I’ve been quite reluctant on actually doing a review and rating due to that fact I find spoken word LPs a rather tedious task to do. I lose interest fast. Anyways, here I go.
So, the introduction is basically a series of intros, with something about Norwegian dance records. I’m finding it very hard to follow, not quite sure what track I am on, whether it is the second one or the third, I believe it’s the third, since it keeps saying “Nudge, Nudge“… I’m sure that Monty Python is funnier with video, but solely as audio, I find it rather annoying. Yup, not too funny for me. Well, “Constitutional Peasants” is okay, then the fake old lady voices, and it gets boring. Though, the male playing “Dennis” is has some good lines, it reminds me a bit of some of the dialogue from “Titanic“, but with that it makes it seem like I am saying every British person sounds like they were in the movie “Titanic“. So, next up “Fish Licence” and, well, still not finding this funny. The only funny part of this, is how the guy wants to licence all his pets, who all seem to be named Eric. Everyone is named Eric. Now, on with “Eric the Half a Bee” – oh wow. They break out into song, well, this is different. Still think it would be funnier with a visual aid. Next up, “Australian Table Wine” – I still don’t find this funny, but then again I have a dry, dark and sarcastic sense of humor. I’m guessing that what is playing now is “Silly Noises” – yup, yes it is, and it wasn’t funny. “Novel Writing” comes next… and well, it’s just a description of a guy trying to write a novel. “Elephantoplasty” is next, and it’s basically a guy who got a nose job with a elephant trunk. “How to Do It” comes next, and not funny. (My emotions at this point.) “Gumby Cherry Orchard” comes up, passes, next is “Oscar Wilde” which is basically just a guy pretending to being Oscar Wilde, then laughing… it goes on and on. I’m sorry, it’s awful. (Please refer to my emotion.)
Luckily, I got my wish and the record began to skip. The B-Side now. Oh yay, another introduction. Well, they do drop the C-bomb. “Argument” comes up next, well… still not funny. I’m trying to think of something I’ve seen John Cleese in. Not sure what. Ah yes, that James Bond movie, “Die Another Day” and “Rat Race” – as well as “Shrek“. This is getting annoying, he’s just walking from room to room. “French Taunter” is next, hopefully it is funny… aaaand it’s okay. “Summarized Proust Competition” and now they’re doing Irish accents, and speaking really fast. “Cheese Emporium” comes up next. Yaaawn. Boring. Look at that, he dropped the F-Bomb. Totally missed “Funerals at Prestatyn” and “Camelot” comes next, would be easy to miss if it weren’t so annoying. Now it’s “Word Association” aaand I don’t even remember it, now it’s a bunch of Australian accents saying “Bruce” – of course it’s titled “Bruces” and there is one guy named Michael, and then “Parrot”, I think this may be recorded live? Yea. It is.
Okay, not even finishing this LP anymore.
To those that really love Monty Python, I’m sorry I don’t find this funny.
Interesting Facts:
Track Listing:
A1 – Introductions
A2 – Alastair Cooke
A3 – Nudge Nudge
A4 – Mrs. Nigger Baiter
A5 – Constitutional Peasants
A6 – Fish Licence
A7 – Eric the Half a Bee
A8 – Australian Table Wine
A9 – Silly Noises
A10 – Novel Writing
A11 – Elephantoplasty
A12 – How to Do It
A13 – Gumby Cherry Orchard
A14 – Oscar Wilde
B1 – Introduction
B2 – Argument
B3 – French Taunter
B4 – Summarized Proust Competition
B5 – Cheese Emporium
B6 – Funerals at Prestatyn
B7 – Camelot
B8 – Word Association
B9 – Bruces
B10 – Parrot
B11 – Monty Python Theme
The Famous Charisma Label
Catalog Number:
Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Eric Idle
John Cleese
Terry Gilliam
Simon Williams
Terry Jones
Graham Chapman
Michael Palin
Other Albums I Own by Monty Python:
“The Album of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the Film of Monty Python and the Holy Grail”
“The Final Rip Off”
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