The Ogdon Family – “Family Bible”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
It is with great joy that we present to you this, our first long play Album. We are praying that it will be a blessing to our many friends, and that every time you listen to it you will be reminded to pray for the family and me. We are traveling in full time evangelistic work and the Lord is blessing our ministry but we realize if it wasn’t for people such as you praying for us it would be impossible for us to carry on this great work for the Lord.  
 We have tried to include in this album songs that you have requested. The title song, “Family Bible” is one of our most requested songs. I sing it in all of our revivals. Folk seem to enjoy it so much and I hope that it proves a blessing to you as you listen to it on the album. I feel that Alene does a good job on, “He Washed My Eyes with Tears” and “Unworthy.” She has given her all to the Lord and is willing to go with me in the ministry. In all our revivals, folk request that the girls, Dianna, Donna and Deanna sing. Well, here they are singing, “It’s Different Now” and “Do Lord.” I feel they do a great job and I know you will enjoy them.  May the Lord bless all of you our friends and remind you to keep us before the Lord when you pray.
 If you have enjoyed this album, be sure to tell your friends about it.  
 Our thanks go to my brother, Charles and his family, who helped us with the album. Charles played the guitar, Eva played the piano, and Linda played the drums for us. Charles and family have been an encouragement to us in “cutting” this album.  
Rev. Tom F. Ogdon

Personal Review:  
The album opens with the track “Family Bible” which is sung by Tom Ogdon, and well, um… Not quite sure how to describe it. The comes Alene singing the song “Unworthy” which I seem to prefer her singing over Tom’s (Personally.) she just has a distinct style that I cannot describe. Then comes the girls singing “Do Lord” and I have no idea what they’re saying, it really just sounds like “Rah rah rah rah la laaa” (and I’m like “wat.”) – Anywho! Tom & Alene return to sing their song, “I See Jesus” – and well, I like this song, because Alene is an amazing singer, Tom is good, but Alene is better. Tom comes in to finish off the A-Side with the song “I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now” which seems to be better than the last song he did.

The B-Side opens with Tom’s “Child of the King” – which, well… The album should just be Alene. Alene returns to sing “He Washed My Eyes With Tears” and I still cannot get over how amazing Alene is. Like, seriously! Then… the girls. The song by the girls is titled “It’s Different Now” but here is the ironic part, the singing isn’t. (More “Rah” and more “wat.”) – then instead of following the same whatchamacallit the A-Side does… Tom & Alene don’t sing the next song together, it is just Tom – but once more, he does try to improve the album, but by this point I am only listening for Alene. BOOM! Alene saves the day, joining in on “Jesus Signed My Pardon“!

Anyways, I did try to find some sort of info on any of the family member, not a thing was found. If you have any information, you know the drill. 😉

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Family Bible
A2 – Unworthy
A3 – Do Lord
A4 – I See Jesus
A5 – I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

B1 – Child of the King
B2 – He Washed My Eyes with Tears
B3 – It’s Different Now
B4 – Is My Lord Satisfied
B5 – Jesus Signed My Pardon

T.F.O. Records

Catalog Number:
LP 121

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Charles Ogdon – Guitar
Eva Ogdon – Piano
Linda Ogdon – Drums

Other Albums I Own by The Ogdon Family:


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