Tom & Sherri King – “Something Old, Something New”

The Sleeve:
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The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
Fifty years ago when one spoke of Gospel Music, they were perhaps referring to one of three styles of music: the much loved hymns of the church, southern gospel or Negro spirituals. In recent years, however, there has been a tremendous amount of diversification within gospel music. One might now classify gospel songs as sacred, classical, country, spiritual , southern or various styles within contemporary gospel music, to name a few.
 It has been our goal to sing a variety of styles that would appeal to people of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest. Whether it be hymns such as “Jesus I Come,” a country style song such as “I Can’t, But You Can,” or the contemporary sound of “Mountain Mover,” the message is a common one – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16) and “…as many as received Him, to them gave He power…” (John 1:12)
 If you’ve never made Him the Lord of you life, our prayer is that the message of the songs on this album will encourage you to “Come Along” and allow Him to make your life come alive. He alone is able to take the “Something Old” that you are and make “Something New” out of it.
 Tom & Sherri King

Personal Review:
Okay. So, the A-Side is dished as heck. So, I ain’t even gonna bother trying to review that.
Onto the B-Side!
So, the B-Side opens with the track “Mountain Mover” – which opens with some pretty intense electric guitar, and it’s a song about a guy who has a suicidal friend, and he saves him! It’s a pretty good track, it seems to only be Tom singing though. Then comes Sherri with the song “I Can’t, But You Can” and Sherri has like an amazing voice. She’s absolutely wonderful! Then Tom joins in, and the song comes full circle, and it’s amazing. Tom & Sherri are pretty great, I do wish the A-Side played, but unfortunately it doesn’t. Oh, by the way, Tom & Sherri are singing together now, and it’s beautiful. Then comes the track “Oh Buddha” – which is sung by Sherri at first, oddly, Gospel makes me feel so good. Oh, this song is about how when we die, it won’t be like any other God (Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, Xenu, Jehovah, etc.) on the ‘throne’ waiting for us when we die, because Jesus is the only God. (Sherri’s words, not mine.) oh, then she goes on to say how she doesn’t hate anyone, but knows that this is the truth. Then comes “Jesus Unhooked Me” – which is sung by Tom, and it’s pretty nice, cause like Tom was hooked on Satan, and Jesus unhooked him. Anyways, the album ends with the song “I Wish We’d All Been Ready” (which coincidentally, is one of my favorite Gospel songs.) basically, it’s a song about the world ending, and all the sinners being left behind as Jesus takes his followers to Heaven with him. It’s kind of a dark, apocalyptic song, but hey. I like it.

And you’ve been left behind…

Interesting Facts:

Track Listing:
A1 – Something Old, Something New
A2 – What Will You Do?
A3 – Come Along
A4 – Jesus I Come
A5 – The Cloud He’s Coming Back On

B1 – Mountain Mover
B2 – I Can’t, But You Can
B3 – Oh Buddha
B4 – Jesus Unhooked Me
B5 – I Wish We’d All Been Ready

Suntouch Records

Catalog Number:
LP S 298-13

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
Piano – Larry Drake, Jr.
All Instruments, Engineering & Mixdown – Mark Hladish
Background Vocals – The “King Chorale”
Photography – Lauri Ahlman Photography

Special thanks to Theo Logan for the use of her lovely “Victorian” home for the album cover photo.

Other Albums I Own by Tom & Sherri King:


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