Bill, Mary & Jim Einert – “Singing… Requests”

So, here I have one that has been sitting in my collection for a number of years, we have the Einert family of Clarksville, AR with their album “Singing… Requests” on the Gospel Melody Records label, interestingly enough, Jim has appeared on another album in my collection, “He Promised to Be There

The album opens with the song “Eastern Gate” – and from the start, we get some great guitar playing and some deep vocals, which I can only assume is Bill Einert singing, because Jim and Mary I’m pretty sure are the ones providing the backing vocals on this song, it’s not a bad song, it’s done rather wonderfully. “Oh How I Love Jesus With Recitation “Two Boys”” comes next, and yes, that means there is definitely a spoken word part in this song, and Bill is the one doing it with his deep, baritone voice. I really enjoy these songs and albums that feature recitations in the songs. We go back into the singing, and I’d really like to hear Jim sing a song, maybe even Mary. “Build My Mansion” which is a classic Gospel track, comes next, and it’s a good one, the Einert’s do a fine rendition of such a good song. Lastly, the A-Side closes with the song “Peace in the Valley” and it’s a slow song, sung only by Bill on this one, and he does deliver a nice version of this song, and relaxing close to the A-Side.

The B-Side opens with the song “Highway to Heaven” and it’s quicker paced song, and Jim and Mary accompany Bill on the chorus, and musically, this is a fantastic song, there is some great picking and plucking in this one. Next comes Jim leading the song “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone with Recitation “The Three Nails”” – but Bill, I’m sure, leads the recitation on this one, and the Einert’s really deliver some fine songs on this album, this is actually a pretty good album. I do really enjoy that they included two recitations on their albums. “Old Brush Arbor” comes next, and it’s a bit of a faster paced song, but not by much, but it’s mostly guitar and piano on this one, and Bill continues to deliver wonderful vocals throughout this album. “I Know” comes next, and I feel like I know this song, but maybe I’m wrong, and yup, I do in fact know this also, great, classic gospel song, and the Einert family delivers a wonderful rendition of yet another fantastic song that I love. The album closes with the song “The Touch of God’s Hand” which is a family affair for this one, as they all harmonize together and deliver a great closing track to a wonderful gospel album.

Sidenote – I can’t get over just how glossy and red that front cover is!

Catalog Number:

Bass & Lead Guitar – Johnny Einert
Steel & Bass Guitar – Jim Einert
Flat Top Guitar – Bill Einert
Piano – Mary Einert
Recorded by Gospel Melody, INC.
Engineer – James C. Simons

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