The Something New – “I’m So Happy / Without Him”

The Sleeve:
105_5604 105_5605

The Liner/Sleeve Notes:
“Given on the Lord’s Day October 19, 1970 to Peter Bianchi by The Holy Spirit”

Personal Review:
 Just a random Gospel 45 from my collection from some family from NYC.

 The A-Side is the song “I’m So Happy” and it opens with some really upbeat guitar playing before the vocals come in and the whole group begins to sing, and it’s absolutely fantastic, I’m actually really liking this song. It’s surprisingly good! That was fantastic.

 The B-Side is the song “Without Him” and it’s slower, but these guys are absolutely fantastic. Everything about them is absolutely stunning and the music is fabulous. Such a great 45!

Interesting Facts:
The back cover is signed by all the members

Track Listing:
A – I’m So Happy

B – Without Him

The Something New Gospel Music

Catalog Number:

Studio Musicians & Other Album Credits:
The Band – Reginald Le Beau, Peter Bianchi, Thomas Benedetti, Maria Bianchi & James Bianchi

Other Albums I Own by The Something New:


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